Current Graduate Students

Graduate Students bring a unique perspective to our community; your unique experiences will benefit your peers both inside and outside the classroom. Graduate Students have different needs than undergraduate students and we hope that you utilize the following campus resources for your needs.

The Graduate Student Community is a part of our Bristol and Providence campus, with several programs being online as well.  We hope that Graduate Students will engage in the classroom and the campus community while they are completing their graduate studies.  

Division of Student Life

The Division of Student Life has various offices to support you.   The following Student Life Departments offer services and resources to our campus community.

Counseling Center

Counseling services are available to graduate students in the Counseling Center, located on the second floor of the Center for Student Development, which is near Cedar Hall.

The Center is open during the academic year from 8:30AM to 5:00PM, Monday through Friday. During winter break and the summer, the Center is open 8:00AM to 4:00PM, Monday through Friday.  Student can contact the Counseling Center at 401-254-3124 to schedule an appointment.

Health Services

Health services are available to graduate students in the Health Services Office, located on the second floor of the Center for Student Development, which is near Cedar Hall.

The Center is open during the academic year from 8:30AM to 5:00PM, Monday through Friday. During winter break and the summer, the Center is open 8:00AM to 4:00PM, Monday through Friday.  Student can contact the Health Services at 401-254-3156 to schedule an appointment.


The University has limited housing for Graduate Students on the Bristol campus.  We realize that many graduate students are enrolled in various programs in Bristol or Providence and off campus housing will be the best options for them.  Students can learn more about university housing or off campus options. 

Bristol Dining Options

Graduate Students have options to purchase meal plans, add money to their accounts or visit our Upper Commons for meals. Information on meals and hours.

Campus Resources

We welcome Graduate Students to learn more about campus and visit these resources:

Campus Map


Bristol Library

Bookstore (located on Bristol Campus)

Graduate Student Association

RWU Grad Student Association logoThe Roger Williams University Graduate Student Association is the student organization on campus exclusively dedicated to serving the needs of graduate students through advocacy, professional development, and social activities. Members of the executive board are elected by the entire graduate student body each year, while members of the GSA Senate are elected by each academic program.

The Graduate Student Association holds elections every spring for the following academic year.


President:  Marcella Colardo, Forensic Mental Health Counseling Program

Secretary:  Hannah Illagan, Masters of Public Administration Program

Social Media Chair:  Lindsey Tallo; Masters of Public Administration Program

Follow the  GSA Instagram account for updates or email for information or suggestions.